Notchview Condominium Owners Association Calendar of Events
- Chimney Cleaning/Inspection
The Management Company will schedule an annual inspection and cleaning. Owners are not required to be present on that day, if the Management Company has a key or other means to access their unit. The Management Company will notify each Unit Owner of the date of the inspection and cleaning, generally the last or second to last Saturday in August. A letter with instructions will be sent out with the date and other details.
- Deck Roof Cleaning/Inspection
The deck roof must be cleaned as needed, but no less often than once per year. If required cleaning is not performed, the Management Company will perform the cleaning and bill the owner for the expense thereof. The Management Company performs checks at the end of the Fall season.
- Board of Director's Meeting
The Association's Board of Director's Meet four (4) times a year, usually on a Saturday from each quarter. If a meeting is to be held, a meeting notification will be sent to all unit owners
- Annual Meeting
Notch View Condominium Owners Association Annual Meeting takes place on the first Saturday in November at 2:00 p.m. Attendance is not required, but owners not attending are requested to vote by proxy.
Last revised: August 12, 2020